Bihar Acupressure Yoga College established for the promotion & co opration of the moto of W H O run by swaathya jagarukta mission HRD orgnisation ISO 9001:2008 certified regd by govt of bihar under the act of govt of india. regd income tax registration act 12AA exempted 80G permament. recognised by
indiian council of acupressure yoga acupressure parishad international board of alternative medicine & naturopathy OIUCMropathy OIUCM colombo boudh samaj acupressure acupuncture yoga naturopathy magnet therapy reiki included by ayush department govt of india as useful therapy authorised study cemtre of mahatma gandhi university meghalya & eiilm university sikkim UGC DEC AICTE Govt recognised AWARDED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT GOVT OF BIHAR
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Patna, Bihar